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- User Since
- Nov 29 2013, 12:13 PM (588 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Erv_ZA added a comment to T71450: Steam Workshop Scenarios Re-Download Every Time.
As more and more missions are made, the worse this problem will become. I hope they try to implement Superfluid's suggestion.
The readme.txt file in the Missions directory actually says:
"... You can also place downloaded custom scenarios in this folder and play them from the Scenarios list."
Now we just need a button to give us the option to download custom scenarios.
Erv_ZA added a comment to T71450: Steam Workshop Scenarios Re-Download Every Time.
O, I see scenarios that I loaded once, will now work when I go offline.
Thank you George_. Since I take my PC home over the weekends were I do not have internet. My weekends promises to be a lot more fun.