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- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 3:55 PM (625 w, 2 d)
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
Ertfefge added a comment to T59586: Ka-60 wrong horizon indication.
Actually it seems to be ok on your screenshot, look closer, it have straight line parallel to horizont, part of this line simply covered by shadow.
Ertfefge edited Steps To Reproduce on T59484: AI controlled character animation stuck.
Ertfefge added a comment to T59472: Inability to pick up back packs.
Yes you cant take bags placed in editor, but you can pick up bag you droped, there is a 2 buttons above list of items: 'ground/bag', switch to 'ground' and you should see your bag.
Ertfefge added a comment to T58664: [Steam Alpha] Changing stances from prone can result in sliding.
i can confirm that, had this glitch, but couldnt find how to reproduce it xD
Ertfefge edited Steps To Reproduce on T58498: Ifrit glitch.
Ertfefge edited Steps To Reproduce on T58492: Character keep walking forward until 'step over' used.