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- User Since
- Feb 18 2023, 5:00 PM (106 w, 3 d)
When will this issue be resolved?
Nov 19 2024
Still hoping that this issue can be addressed soon.
The issue is still there. It would be amazing if it could get addressed because PS4/PS5 users are not finding this playable at times. This is an issue that should have been addressed In the first hot patch. This is an issue that effect the WHOLE GAME. For PlayStation users. It’s not just an issue in the game it’s the full thing. It has become so disappointing.
Nov 12 2024
PS4/PS5 are still experiencing major freezing and stuttering both on community and official servers. I feel like this should be on your list of things to do as a priority because this has completely ruined the game for PS4/PS5 players. It’s not enjoyable. And it’s even worst that the issue has no been acknowledged.
I know, the thing is, these are the types of problems that should be addressed IMMEDIATELY. This has completely ruined the game for me. It’s not enjoyable with freezing/stuttering like this.
Nov 8 2024
I can also say this lag issue is also going on with my DayZ server. (PS4/PS5) it’s definitely an issue that needs to be addressed.
Hey just wondering if I can get a update on this issue, still experiencing the issue with ps4/ps5