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- User Since
- Mar 17 2015, 7:11 PM (523 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
No it does not seem to happen when there is no mods.
I have started using fredds/tbbmalloc
after i started using this i have not had a single crash.
But with any of the other dll's arma has i crash and even using windows malloc/nttdll.dll i crash
This is with @Exile mod i used to play Epoch mod and also had the same crash.
This crash only seems to happen on multiplayer tho if i run a mod on single-player i wont crash.
Maybe you should look into what freds tbbmalloc does that's not making me crash.
Hmm there was a new driver released today 347.88 will try those and report back
I also have a GTX 970
I have uploaded my crash logs to help the devs better understand the problem
the only thing you and me have in common is we get the same error and have the same processor
Well i know another way of a workaround or temp fix is to replace your main mods folder just delete your @mod folder and grab a fresh one or use the one you have downloaded.
Then in your arma 3 folder you will see a folder called DLL go into it and delete them all then verify the files threw steam and it will download fresh ones this may allow you to join the server in fact you could just try not downloading them at all and have a empty Dll folder which for some reason yes you are able to join a server with out having those DLL's which makes no sense.
So i have been doing some testing and when i launch arma 3 using steam and altab but i have to be fully loaded in the server i crash instantly
If i use the a3launcher the game loads super fast and the game wont crash i can altab my heart out and it wont crash but i did this lastnight the game did crash at some point about a hour or 2 then i could not get in the server at all so i gave up for the night.
Today i just did the following i deleted my PhysX3Common_x86.dll i re-downloded it from verifying my files threw steam and in the a3launcher settings i added a cmd line called -malloc=system under additional parameters and have attempted to join the server that i was not able to get in to lastnight
I was able to join the server now the thing is how long will it last idk but you could try this if you want.
The -malloc=system cmd line is a memory allocator this one is set to for it to use windows which might stop the game from crashing from bex errors
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"Buffer over flow" if you played garrys mod you might be familiar with this due to the use of lua Scripts.
Yes i have the exact same error it jumps between A bex crash,
PhysX3Common_x86.dll error and arma3.exe has stopped working...
This seems to only happen on multiplayer servers in this case it was in a mod called Epoch.
When this problem started happening it would stay on that server and if i tried to join i was able to enter the lobby but during the loading screen it would crash and in the server it would say my Battleye client was not responding
So i then tried to join another Epoch server and i was able to join no problem