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Feb 9 2015, 7:38 PM (527 w, 3 d)

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May 11 2016

DonToraneko set Category to category:environment on T111551: Missing ground southwest of vavilovo near constructionsite.
May 11 2016, 5:56 AM · DayZ
DonToraneko added a comment to T111503: Game Crash (Memory) after closing the Game.

I guess i have a similar problem here. Vers: Experimental 0.57.128120(Happened in the 2 previous versions too) Server: doesn't seem to matter. PC: CPU: intel I5 3570 GPU: Geforce 650 ti RAM: 16 GB Mainboard: Gigabyte Z77-DS3H Streaming Program: Open Broadcaster Software Internet: 16 Mb/s down, 1 Mb/s up
Video Memory is set to 2048mb, which should be ok. All other settings more or less to "normal" or "medium". Newest drivers gpu wise.
Added a screenshot of the error message.
Problem occurs verry randomly. Sometimes it happens 10 secs after login, sometimes after half an hour playtime. Always happens ingame. Never in the startmenue or serverlist e.g.
Frame freezes, game crashes and window with errormessage shows up.

May 11 2016, 5:55 AM · DayZ
DonToraneko added a comment to T107771: Walk-Through-Wall Glitch in the new Prison.

Its not the usual "get your legs wrecked on the stairs" glitch. Its a wall you can actually walk through. No harm. I'll add pictures when i have the opportunity asap.

May 11 2016, 3:47 AM · DayZ
DonToraneko edited Steps To Reproduce on T107771: Walk-Through-Wall Glitch in the new Prison.
May 11 2016, 3:47 AM · DayZ