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User Details

User Since
Jul 27 2014, 12:23 PM (554 w, 1 d)

Recent Activity

Jun 10 2016

Deliux removed a watcher for DayZ: Deliux.
Jun 10 2016, 1:17 AM
Deliux added a watcher for DayZ: Deliux.
Jun 10 2016, 1:17 AM

May 10 2016

Deliux added a comment to T101006: SEssion lost error.

Yey, I got in game too. Thanks devs :)

May 10 2016, 11:39 PM · DayZ
Deliux added a comment to T101006: SEssion lost error.

SAME! Since yesterday. I heard rumors that this is happening for people with restricted steam accounts, and my account got community access restriction, but that shouldn't be afecting any of the games, I was playing Dayz since release with this account, everything was fine till now. Devs please fix this.

May 10 2016, 11:39 PM · DayZ
Deliux added a comment to T100742: Session Lost since 3 Month.

SAME! Since yesterday. I heard rumors that this is happening for people with restricted steam accounts, and my account got community access restriction, but that shouldn't be afecting any of the games, I was playing Dayz since release with this account, everything was fine till now. Devs please fix this.

May 10 2016, 11:30 PM · DayZ