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Feb 14 2015, 12:05 AM (525 w, 5 d)

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May 10 2016

DeadlySilent1 added a comment to T81290: Still Freezing / Crashing / Can't Play.

Do you have all the info you need? I can send more crash dumps if you would like?

May 10 2016, 10:26 AM · Arma 3
DeadlySilent1 added a comment to T81290: Still Freezing / Crashing / Can't Play.

More dumps from v1.44.130.654 caused by ACCESS_VIOLATION!731&authkey=!ACqtYzcz00vpiDI&ithint=folder%2czip

Seemed to play better on v1.42 and v1.43 but now can only play for 30 mins without stall ACCESS_VIOLATION.

May 10 2016, 10:26 AM · Arma 3
DeadlySilent1 added a comment to T81290: Still Freezing / Crashing / Can't Play.

Thanks Iceman. I notice status is "need more info" and assigned to "Iceman", should these be updated?

May 10 2016, 10:26 AM · Arma 3
DeadlySilent1 added a comment to T81290: Still Freezing / Crashing / Can't Play.

Zip file finally uploaded, please see same link!725&authkey=!ALeq3DNsyuvonNE&ithint=folder%2cbidmp

May 10 2016, 10:26 AM · Arma 3
DeadlySilent1 added a comment to T81290: Still Freezing / Crashing / Can't Play.

Sorry onedrive is being stupid, if you can't get the dumps using the previous link use this one.!725&authkey=!ALeq3DNsyuvonNE&ithint=folder%2cbidmp

May 10 2016, 10:26 AM · Arma 3
DeadlySilent1 edited Steps To Reproduce on T81290: Still Freezing / Crashing / Can't Play.
May 10 2016, 10:26 AM · Arma 3
DeadlySilent1 added a comment to T81106: Crashing / Freezing mainly in Multiplayer (Vanilla) at random times.

Hi Iceman, thank you for taking the time to investigate my issue. I feel a hint of irony that Iceman will help me with my game Freezing!! Cenwulf, different servers in my tests below and each time I had to download the mission files from the server anyway. Do you think I should try removing all my AppData for Arma 3??

So this is what I have tried this evening.

  1. Ran Steam as Admin
  2. Verify integrity of game cache (all files successfully validated)
  3. Checked Set Launch Options (all clear)
  4. Ran Arma3 (note this is done through Steam not using the Open Launcher Option or Play withSix)
  5. Disabled all Mods
  6. Restarted Arma 3
  7. Joined game with 53ms ping with around 12 of x players
  8. Spent 10-20 mins playing until FREEZE (Crash dumps 19th @ 0701 PM)

I wasn't sure if maybe having Mods already enabled made a difference so I tried again, meanwhile Steam Update started and completed.

  1. Ran Steam as Admin
  2. Verify integrity of game cache (all files successfully validated)
  3. Ran Arma3
  4. Join game with 77ms ping 0/39 players (me against the world)
  5. Spent a nice amount of time in an attack heli raining down terror on Camp Rogain (not sure if I killed anyone but the buildings felt it!)
  6. Landed a few clicks SW then proceeded on foot until I approached the combat zone
  7. Caught my breath from running so far and FREEZE! (Crash dumps 19th @ 0804 PM)

I also included a .rpt from 19th @ 0646 PM, not sure why that .rpt is there but it might have some significance.

Would it help if I installed Arma 3 standalone and not through Steam Client? If so am I able to do this without purchasing a new copy?

Crash Dumps here!715&authkey=!AC1mdogDZOfAX4Q&ithint=folder%2crar in "Arma 3 Crashes 19.02.2015.rar"

May 10 2016, 10:20 AM · Arma 3
DeadlySilent1 added a comment to T81106: Crashing / Freezing mainly in Multiplayer (Vanilla) at random times.

I cannot wait to test it, I will be thoroughly impressed by your companies speedy resolution if all goes well. Thank you.

Any chance you could elaborate on the fix? I'm a systems analyst and am intrigued by the cause of my issue. Thanks again Iceman.

May 10 2016, 10:20 AM · Arma 3
DeadlySilent1 added a comment to T81106: Crashing / Freezing mainly in Multiplayer (Vanilla) at random times.

That was an easy fix, now says 1080... game still freezes but!!

May 10 2016, 10:20 AM · Arma 3
DeadlySilent1 edited Steps To Reproduce on T81106: Crashing / Freezing mainly in Multiplayer (Vanilla) at random times.
May 10 2016, 10:20 AM · Arma 3