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- User Since
- Jan 6 2014, 1:59 AM (580 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Coke set Category to category:sound on T92475: Random zombie sounds.
Coke set Category to category:multiplayer on T92474: Respawn won't work.
Coke added a comment to T92473: Water bottle won't fill up.
Yes the first one I filled did fill up. And I had all 6-7 in my toolbar. I'll try your solution and thanks.
Coke added a comment to T92473: Water bottle won't fill up.
I should ad it did the animation and said "you have filled the bottle" but it didn't I tried two more times but still didn't work.
Coke set Category to category:items on T92473: Water bottle won't fill up.
Coke set Category to category:characters on T92418: Character not found.
Coke added a comment to T92398: Roof jump.
For me it mainly happens in hospitals and firehouses
Coke set Category to category:aibehavior on T92278: Character teleports.
Coke set Category to category:items on T92273: No maps to be found.