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Chuklz70 (Charles Neeley)


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User Since
Oct 13 2020, 1:28 AM (232 w, 3 d)

Recent Activity

Jun 19 2021

Chuklz70 added a comment to T159201: Zombies climbing over barbed wire.

Great video submission! Barbed wire has never slowed down the Infected, not since I have played, they are 100% berserkers. Now whether it doesn’t visibly damage them I cannot say. that would be an interesting test to intentionally lead them back and forth through barbed wire and see if they eventually expire…

Jun 19 2021, 7:31 PM · DayZ PlayStation
Chuklz70 added a comment to T159196: Blocking attacks .

Aside from gaming I also (pre-pandemic) participated in recreational historical armored combat. A shield is your life, and even with it you cannot block every blow from multiple attackers. I understand TRMZ though, I enjoyed that clip on Twttr to, attempting to close in 3 or 4 infected and getting knocked out. So my take is persistent blocking (as the animation shows) would block all the upper torso and head hits, but you might possibly get your arms trashed, and legs hits should still apply.

Jun 19 2021, 7:25 PM · DayZ