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- User Since
- Feb 3 2017, 6:40 AM (421 w, 6 d)
Feb 6 2017
The mission.sqm file that I was importing was only 38kb binarized, and 113kb unbinarized. I've tried lowering the settings to minimum and it still crashes. I tried to delete specific sections of the sqm file before importing and had some success. There appears to be a problem with the actual units in the mission being imported from the file. I'm able to get to the third unit as far as importing goes until it crashes. So as of now I'm trying to literally recreate the mission from the old file in the Eden Editor manually to see if an error will occur during the actual editing process. Though it is confusing why the old mission won't import correctly.
Feb 4 2017
This was my first error report, I tried verifying my game cache and all files were verified. I tried replacing all the classnames of the units and still crashes. I tried modded and unmodded as well with the same results. I'm not sure exactly what the issue is but it only does it on certain missions. Could be a limit issue with the amount of triggers or objects on the level? I wasn't able to understand really what was wrong from the crash dump.
Okay I will try those when I get home and send you the crash report. ETA 9PM EST