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- User Since
- Mar 21 2021, 11:49 PM (199 w, 5 d)
Mar 24 2021
Mar 24 2021
Cblln added a comment to T157460: STATUS ACCESS VIOLATION when trying to host a MP game.
update! The issue seems to be Battleye related, because I tried turning it off and the server list got filled up instantly, and I can both host LAN and Internet. I can't play on a majority of servers yet (because no Battleye duh) BUT I will do some experimenting tomorrow!
Cblln added a comment to T157460: STATUS ACCESS VIOLATION when trying to host a MP game.
yes, it's pretty much my only hope to still play MP again but I think it got dashed, I'm at my freaking wits end with this
Cblln added a comment to T157460: STATUS ACCESS VIOLATION when trying to host a MP game.
Interestingly enough, even trying to host LAN games doesn't work since it shows me a sliver of a menu for a split second before kicking me out to the server browser.
Mar 22 2021
Mar 22 2021
Cblln updated the task description for T157460: STATUS ACCESS VIOLATION when trying to host a MP game.