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User Details
- User Since
- Mar 17 2013, 5:51 PM (625 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Caeden added a comment to T76784: Requesting keyboard shortcut for 'Remote Control'.
Since the remote module frequently fails to work after some time, a shortcut button would be fantastic.
Caeden added a comment to T76062: Game crash with deleting placed units.
I've had this same issue when deleting units, alive or dead.
Caeden added a comment to T63676: Crash to desktop trying to host multiplayer..
I managed to troubleshoot. I went through all of my saved MPmission .sqf files and located a missing " in one of the descriptions.
Please delete!
Caeden added a comment to T63675: Crash to desktop trying to host multiplayer..
I managed to troubleshoot. I went through all of my saved MPmission .sqf files and located a missing " in one of the descriptions.
Please delete!
Caeden edited Steps To Reproduce on T63676: Crash to desktop trying to host multiplayer..
Caeden edited Steps To Reproduce on T63675: Crash to desktop trying to host multiplayer..