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- User Since
- Feb 27 2015, 8:27 PM (517 w, 4 d)
Feb 24 2017
Feb 24 2017
Burli added a comment to T123425: Dayz - Shooting / Hiting Bug.
This Problem does occur without alt tabbing.
To be more specific, I normally tab out a few times during my game sessions but the bug even occurs hours or many minutes later.
Feb 19 2017
Feb 19 2017
Burli updated the task description for T123425: Dayz - Shooting / Hiting Bug.
Burli updated the task description for T123425: Dayz - Shooting / Hiting Bug.
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Burli added a comment to T108446: DayZ keeps crashing after 0.54 update.
My character also reseted after Dayz crashed (not every time but twice).
Burli added a comment to T108389: Update 0.54 Crash.
I have the same Problem, my DayZ crashed every 30 minutes. And finally when i was driving my DayZ crashed and my character did reset.
It's just the typicall windows error window which pops up, DayZ stopped working. Options: Search for a solution online or close the Programm.