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- User Since
- Jun 14 2019, 3:08 AM (296 w, 2 d)
Jun 21 2019
@G-iceman_22 every now and then yeah, it's annoying but I just rescope and it fixes itself
Jun 16 2019
Yeah I have that issue, it's annoying as hell and it causes unnecessary 'wait time' in the middle of combat or trying to get away from something, or hell just doing normal things I don't entirely know why it does this, maybe the have the graphics just a tad bit to high in the scale when it comes to PS4? No idea really but when it comes to inventory items I think it's because all those objects are still considered "physically" in the world so it has to render those things because you haven't been looking at them (I read this somewhere a long while ago when it came to the PC version) they still need to fix all of this though as it could potentially be a reason not to play for some people.
It also does this (at least for me) when you double L1 and zoom that way, I believe it's just the system loading the far off distant textures/trees/grass etc etc for you as the render distance is very very small for a good amount of things which then gets rendered when you ADS.. -shrugs- at least that seems to be the case for me, it is fairly annoying though especially in a gun fight.
Jun 15 2019
That would be a good idea to prevent that bullshit (I hate it with a passion) bad idea in practice as it would make it absolutely useless to try to go north or even to just play the game in general, I for example, can only play about two hours a day that's not enough time to get up to the military bases and the airfield, due to some weird server list stuff I'm never on the same server, that would mean me, a fully geared in Tier 2 stuff (police-gear, mountain pack, fully modded scorpion and mosin) person would just spawn on the beach all the time... No.. I'd ask for a refund/Never play at that point.. as I'm sure most people would, still a decent idea though.
I thought I should mention the game is just ever so barely out of Beta/Early Access it's current build is 1.03.151650 as of 5 June 2019 so just hold tight things will get better! (At least you're not screaming at the devs using as much language as humanly possible like a few people on here)
It's been happening off and on with doors that are non player built, I have no idea what's happening or what's going on but it's kind of gotten bad, or so I've read on this forum, almost 100% of these bugs I have not experienced myself, the only one my friend has experienced is logging in to find that he's a new character -shrugs- I hope the DayZ team can fix these issues in a timely manner.
It automatically puts you in win7 that you can't change it, (or at least I haven't figured out how, you're not wrong don't worry. Says it on most people who posts here (some people have the magic ability to change it) you're on the right form that's all that matters
My friend had this happen, just recently, today in fact, whilst it's a bad bug sure, your reaction is an over reaction, he sighed, laughed and continued to play, they brought a hardcore virtually PC only game due to controls and functions to consoles finally, and the game technically just left beta, there is going to be bugs, especially within the first month or so, calm down, relax, deep breath.
Jun 14 2019
Yes please. Or make it similar to Rainbow Six Siege and make it make it toggleable and mapped to the R3 and L3 only whilst aiming.
I think a way they can fix the name thing is to add a grouping feature where you interact with them and invite them to a group, forthwith being now you can see them as a green (or whatever) square above their head, as to not make it overpowered you can't see it through walls or on the map, only when you have direct line of sight.
I believe they've done really all they can sadly, there is a 1 minute spawn timer if you log off and on in a military base location (from personal testing) where you just instantly spawn in, in other locations, the only way they'd be able to fix that problem is have no persistence at all, one character per server.