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- Sep 30 2022, 1:23 PM (118 w, 4 d)
Jan 20 2023
It would be great to have everything be in the one system that was purpose built for doing MFD's, rather than having to spilot between two systems. Right now the graphics side (lines, icon textures, etc.) are handled by the new UI system. Everything else, is handled by the MFD system. The framework for the MFD system is neat and tidy and extremely useful for making MFDs. So while the new UI system is nice, it's not as friendly or nice as the MFD system is for drawing all the MFD items. The MFD is excellent at drawing and placing graphics on the screen, drawing lines, and controlling all of that. The UI system by comparison is not. Again, being able to do everything in one system that was purpose built for that task would be amazing, rather than having one for one set of things and the other for another.
Sep 30 2022
I am on the Apache dev team and have been working with Mattysmith22 (previous commentor) on the MFD update for the mod. Increasing the user values would be massively invaluable to this effort. If I had to a give a number, I'd say somewhere in the ballpark of 1000 to 2000 user values would allow any conceivable MFD to be created. The issues we're running into are in creating graphics for the moving map displays int he aircraft. The Apache has a database of 150 points, this alone requires 2 user values per point, totalling 300. If we wanted to display other icons (such as radar targets, or threat indications) we'd need at least another 46 points (16 radar targets x 2 + 7 threats x 2). If we want to draw lines, and assume each line has 4 points per line that's another 8 per line, the aircraft can place 16 such lines so that brings that total up to 128. All of the listed items bring the total to around 474. So the minimum (and i'm sure i'm forgetting some things) is around 500. I'm a big fan of more is better, so I just doubled/quadrupled the minimum value.