User Details
User Details
- User Since
- Aug 31 2015, 6:38 PM (499 w, 18 h)
Aug 18 2016
Aug 18 2016
Blownupicus added a comment to T119977: Writing on note doesn't work all the time. You could type but it didn't save. When the server restarted it suddenly worked again..
Had similar experience on =UN= Dayz Private Hive #1. Text written onto note would not save - the paper would continue to be blank. Was not able to reproduce since then - assumed it was server lag or a random isolated incident.
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Blownupicus edited Additional Information on T114722: Other player and zombie invisible.
Blownupicus added a comment to T113797: Loot explosions in officers tents.
I didn't even know that was an option - never submitted to the tracker before. Thank you
Blownupicus set Category to category:items on T113797: Loot explosions in officers tents.