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- User Since
- Aug 14 2019, 12:25 PM (291 w, 1 d)
Aug 17 2019
Aug 17 2019
Bighungry89 added a comment to T143411: Items stuck in tents, cars, and barrel's. .
It can also happen with the new KA-74 in the tent. Everytime I add one to a tent I can't pull it out or most things in the tent either.
Aug 14 2019
Aug 14 2019
Bighungry89 added a comment to T143353: M4 magazine glitched..
It also happens with the KA-M when you eject the mag while in your hands, and the weapon in your inventory during the animation. The gun still thinks there is a mag in it. But there isn't. You will still be able to fire it but nothing will happen.
Bighungry89 added a comment to T143406: Tent and Barrel Inventory is broken if there is more than one person in the inventory..
It also happens when you fill tent, vehicle, barrel inventory to full.
Bighungry89 added a comment to T143411: Items stuck in tents, cars, and barrel's. .
This bug breaks the storage mechanic of the game.