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- User Since
- Sep 7 2015, 2:55 PM (496 w, 3 h)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Aymen added a comment to T83859: Crash when you put your vest on the ground or in an ammobox-Maxwell mission.
So after I read your message. I tried to reproduce the crash by loading the Maxwell mission then just follow the steps needed by the game to achieve to the rearm objective. And finally near those ammo boxes I put my vest on the ground and arma 3 immediatly crashed.
In the new uploaded zip file "" I put the crash report file, a reference file, the "AppDataLocal" and "GameDocuments" folders where you can find my autosave if needed. Hope it'll help.
PS: Really a good work from VP for the port to Linux performance-side :)
And as an ArmA big player on windows I truly appreciate BIS decision to come to others viable platform :)
Aymen edited Steps To Reproduce on T83859: Crash when you put your vest on the ground or in an ammobox-Maxwell mission.