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May 27 2015, 9:06 PM (512 w, 2 d)

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May 11 2016

Aristotole edited Steps To Reproduce on T111423: Items can't be thrown - they "float" instead.
May 11 2016, 5:52 AM · DayZ
Aristotole added a comment to T111287: Error message "The memory could not be read.".

Happening continously after about 5-20 mins of playing. Also, I play DayZ with lower resolution than my normal desktop resolution is. After the crash, the desktop resolution stays same, lower DayZ resolution and doesn't change back to normal automatically. I have to correct it manually.
The memory error message also varies a little. For example, today instruction was "-- at 0x0067d88c --".

May 11 2016, 5:47 AM · DayZ
Aristotole set Category to category:gamecrash on T111287: Error message "The memory could not be read.".
May 11 2016, 5:47 AM · DayZ