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Nov 21 2013, 4:48 PM (588 w, 4 d)

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May 10 2016

55varian added a comment to T73657: addUniform is NOT Global.

Any news from the developers on this being fixed? It's really annoying.

This also happens to AI characters, not limited to just players.

May 10 2016, 6:48 AM · Arma 3
55varian added a comment to T73657: addUniform is NOT Global.

Thank you Japapa. Your work is appreciated.

May 10 2016, 6:48 AM · Arma 3
55varian added a comment to T73657: addUniform is NOT Global.

This is a big problem for a milsim clan because we have standardized loadouts / uniforms and we're unable to do this unless we make sure nobody joins the server mid-operation. But, we also have a training server where there's going to be a lot of people joining and leaving.

When you modify a unit's loadout at all, and someone joins the server (doesn't matter if it's dedicated or not) one of two things will happen.

1: Uniform is removed
2: All gear that the player picked up during the mission will be removed and set back to what was initially put onto the player.
I haven't had this problem when we run the VAS or Virtual Ammobox System script, and I've torn that open and I can't find anything in there that would work around this.

I've noticed that if I modify only the gear and not the uniform this is what happens.

ClientA - rifleman... changed headgear, goggles, and vest.
ClientB - rifleman... changed headgear, goggles, vest and uniform.

both clients have same loadouts (excluding uniform, but both uniforms are BluFor)
Server launched, mission starts

ClientC joins midgame. Same loadout as ClientB.

ClientA - loses everything he picked up after initial start, and loadout is reverted back to what he started with (the gear that I put in)
ClientB - same as ClientA, except uniform disappears completely.

I have -showAllScriptErrors running on my launch parameters and I don't get any error messages when this happens.

Would love to have this fixed

May 10 2016, 6:48 AM · Arma 3