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- User Since
- May 6 2014, 12:13 AM (565 w, 1 d)
Feb 4 2022
Feb 4 2022
420 added a comment to T163067: PS4 DayZ - Light source disappears thru scope.
Ohhhhh, that’s why. I thought I do something wrong and when I start to aiming survivors they can see me and turn their light off.
420 added a comment to T162688: Characters turning in to Monsters / 1.15 performance Drops .
I play on PS5.
The same happens with my own character after switch between 1st an 3rd person views. Or after start or finish of using gun scope. I’ve noticed that it happens with different cloths and backpacks. Often it makes impossible to look through scope and it costs you your character’s life.
420 updated the task description for T163104: 2-5 seconds long freezes while driving a car (PS5).
420 renamed T163104: 2-5 seconds long freezes while driving a car (PS5) from 2-5 seconds long freezes while driving a car to 2-5 seconds long freezes while driving a car (PS5).