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Log C:\Users\Ewok\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforgerWorkbench\logs\logs_2025-03-08_23-13-54\console.log started at 2025-03-08 23:13:54 (2025-03-08 22:13:54 UTC)
23:13:54.478 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding relative directory 'C:\Users\Ewok\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforgerWorkbench\logs\logs_2025-03-08_23-13-54' to filesystem under name logs
23:13:54.481 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding relative directory 'C:\Users\Ewok\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforgerWorkbench\profile' to filesystem under name profile
23:13:54.492 PROFILING : Workbench Create Engine took: 41.332200 ms
23:13:55.704 INIT : INIT : Workbench Init Engine
23:13:55.704 ENGINE : Initializing engine, version 182063
23:13:55.705 ENGINE : CLI Params: -dx11
23:13:55.711 ENGINE : Addon dirs:
23:13:55.711 ENGINE : dir: 'C:/Users/Ewok/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforgerWorkbench/addons/Kunar/'
23:13:55.711 ENGINE : dir: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Arma Reforger/addons'
23:13:55.711 ENGINE : dir: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Arma Reforger Tools/Workbench/addons'
23:13:55.711 ENGINE : dir: 'C:/Users/Ewok/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforgerWorkbench/addons/Testies/'
23:13:55.711 ENGINE : dir: 'C:/Users/Ewok/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforgerWorkbench/addons/Houses/'
23:13:55.711 ENGINE : dir: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Arma Reforger/addons/data/'
23:13:55.711 ENGINE : Available addons:
23:13:55.711 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/Ewok/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforgerWorkbench/addons/Kunar/addon.gproj' guid: '6487749895376A44'
23:13:55.711 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Arma Reforger/addons/core/core.gproj' guid: '5614BBCCBB55ED1C' (packed)
23:13:55.711 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Arma Reforger/addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj' guid: '58D0FB3206B6F859' (packed)
23:13:55.711 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/Ewok/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforgerWorkbench/addons/Testies/addon.gproj' guid: '64831D038CFBAD6F'
23:13:55.711 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/Ewok/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforgerWorkbench/addons/Houses/addon.gproj' guid: '62B4C50A951AF636'
23:13:55.712 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding relative directory 'C:\Users\Ewok\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforgerWorkbench\addons\Kunar' to filesystem under name Kunar
23:13:55.838 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Arma Reforger/addons/data/' (pak count: 11) to filesystem under name ArmaReforger
23:13:55.847 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Arma Reforger/addons/core/' (pak count: 2) to filesystem under name core
23:13:55.848 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=0 name=Kunar path=C:\Users\Ewok\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforgerWorkbench\addons\Kunar/resourceDatabase.rdb)
23:13:55.850 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=1 name=ArmaReforger path=C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Arma Reforger/addons/data/resourceDatabase.rdb)
23:13:55.945 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=2 name=core path=C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Arma Reforger/addons/core/resourceDatabase.rdb)
23:13:55.964 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=3 name=profile path=C:\Users\Ewok\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforgerWorkbench\profile/resourceDatabase.rdb)
23:13:55.965 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=4 name=logs path=C:\Users\Ewok\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforgerWorkbench\logs\logs_2025-03-08_23-13-54/resourceDatabase.rdb)
23:13:56.069 RESOURCES : RESOURCES : ResourceDB: full scan
23:13:56.071 RESOURCES : RESOURCES : scanning...
23:13:56.071 RESOURCES : RESOURCES : scanning @"Kunar"
23:13:56.072 RESOURCES : RESOURCES : scanning @"ArmaReforger"
23:13:56.154 RESOURCES : RESOURCES : scanning @"core"
23:13:56.168 RESOURCES : RESOURCES : scanning @"profile"
23:13:56.168 RESOURCES : RESOURCES : scanning @"logs"
23:13:56.168 RESOURCES : RESOURCES : processing meta-files...
23:13:56.168 INIT : Workbench startup
23:13:56.168 INIT : Workbench Init Engine
23:13:56.168 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: full scan
23:13:56.168 RESOURCES : processing meta-files...
23:13:56.168 RESOURCES (W): metafile without corresponding resource: '$Kunar:gtt_satmap.edds.meta'
23:13:56.205 RESOURCES : RESOURCES : processing files...
23:13:56.210 RESOURCES : RESOURCES : processing folders...
23:13:56.213 RESOURCES : RESOURCES : creating GUID-item mapping...
23:13:56.220 RESOURCES : creating GUID-item mapping...
23:13:56.220 RESOURCES (W): ResourceDB: duplicate GUID found! @"$ArmaReforger:anims/anm/Tutorial/npc_doorGuard_Idle.anm" and @"$ArmaReforger:anims/anm/Tutorial/Character_anm/npc_doorGuard_Idle.anm"
23:13:56.220 RESOURCES (W): ResourceDB: duplicate GUID found! @"$ArmaReforger:anims/anm/Tutorial/npc_doorGuard_Talk.anm" and @"$ArmaReforger:anims/anm/Tutorial/Character_anm/npc_doorGuard_Talk.anm"
23:13:56.222 RESOURCES (W): ResourceDB: duplicate GUID found! @"$ArmaReforger:anims/anm/player/locomotion/machineguns/IdleTurns/p_lmg_pne_idle_ras_breath.anm" and @"$ArmaReforger:anims/anm/player/locomotion/machineguns/p_lmg_pne_idle_ras_breath.anm"
23:13:56.222 RESOURCES (W): ResourceDB: duplicate GUID found! @"$ArmaReforger:anims/anm/player/locomotion/machineguns/p_lmg_pne_aimspace_body_ras.anm" and @"$ArmaReforger:anims/anm/player/locomotion/machineguns/IdleTurns/p_lmg_pne_aimspace_body_ras.anm"
23:13:56.222 RESOURCES (W): ResourceDB: duplicate GUID found! @"$ArmaReforger:Prefabs/ScenarioFramework/Triggers/" and @"$ArmaReforger:Prefabs/ScenarioFramework/Triggers/"
23:13:56.222 RESOURCES (W): ResourceDB: duplicate GUID found! @"$ArmaReforger:anims/anm/Tutorial/Character_anm/npc_doorGuard_FinalIdle.anm" and @"$ArmaReforger:anims/anm/Tutorial/npc_doorGuard_FinalIdle.anm"
23:13:56.222 RESOURCES (W): ResourceDB: duplicate GUID found! @"$ArmaReforger:anims/anm/Tutorial/Character_anm/npc_doorGuard_StepOut.anm" and @"$ArmaReforger:anims/anm/Tutorial/npc_doorGuard_StepOut.anm"
23:13:56.226 RESOURCES : RESOURCES : building tree...
23:13:56.259 PROFILING : ResourceDB: full scan took: 189.884600 ms
23:13:56.260 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: saving cache (id=0 name=Kunar path=C:\Users\Ewok\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforgerWorkbench\addons\Kunar/resourceDatabase.rdb)
23:13:56.262 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: written 1014/1014 bytes
23:13:56.262 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: cache successfully saved
23:13:56.263 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: saving cache (id=3 name=profile path=C:\Users\Ewok\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforgerWorkbench\profile/resourceDatabase.rdb)
23:13:56.263 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: written 465/465 bytes
23:13:56.263 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: cache successfully saved
23:13:56.264 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: saving cache (id=4 name=logs path=C:\Users\Ewok\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforgerWorkbench\logs\logs_2025-03-08_23-13-54/resourceDatabase.rdb)
23:13:56.265 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: written 97/97 bytes
23:13:56.265 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: cache successfully saved
23:13:56.265 ENGINE : GameProject load
23:13:56.265 ENGINE : Loaded addons:
23:13:56.265 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Arma Reforger/addons/core/core.gproj' guid: '5614BBCCBB55ED1C'
23:13:56.265 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Arma Reforger/addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj' guid: '58D0FB3206B6F859'
23:13:56.265 ENGINE : gproj: 'C:/Users/Ewok/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforgerWorkbench/addons/Kunar/addon.gproj' guid: '6487749895376A44'
23:13:56.268 ENGINE : GameProject load
23:13:56.268 INIT : GameProject load project data @"C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Arma Reforger/addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj"
23:13:56.268 RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{C014582791ECBF24}Language/" in property "StringTableSource"
23:13:56.270 ENGINE : Loading custom engine user config '$'
23:13:56.270 ENGINE : No Enfusion settings file loaded. Continuing with defaults
23:13:56.386 RENDER : (OK) Adapter 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090' supports feature level 12_0
23:13:56.390 RENDER : Basic screen setup:
23:13:56.390 RENDER : Back buffer format : TEXFMT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB (29)
23:13:56.390 RENDER : MSAA : none
23:13:56.403 RENDER : Driver for NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 is from 25.2.2025 (12 days old)
23:13:56.403 RENDER : GPU_NVIDIA (0x10DE) (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090) with 1 GPU detected, VRAM 24326MB (fast 0MB), shared 65479MB, driver version 572.60, stereo not available
23:13:56.403 RENDER : Detected output devices:
23:13:56.403 RENDER : * 2 device/s connected to NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090:
23:13:56.403 RENDER : Generic PnP Monitor (\\.\DISPLAY3), 1920x1080 (offset 0x0), 144Hz
23:13:56.403 RENDER : Dell U2412M(DisplayPort) (\\.\DISPLAY2), 1200x1920 (offset -1200x-165), 59Hz
23:13:56.403 RENDER : Concurrent frames limit 2
23:13:56.567 RENDER : Graphics device features
23:13:56.567 RENDER : Needed:
23:13:56.567 RENDER : * Highest supported shader model: 6.7 (6.0 needed)
23:13:56.567 RENDER : Optional:
23:13:56.567 RENDER : * Allow tearing (VSYNC) : 1
23:13:56.567 RENDER : * 16 bits : 1
23:13:56.567 RENDER : * Resource heap tier : 3
23:13:56.567 RENDER : * Persistent heaps (DRED) : 1
23:13:56.567 RENDER : * DRED 1.2 is supported by compiler
23:13:56.613 RENDER : Main RT format setup.
23:13:56.613 RENDER : Main RT format for quality 0 : TEXFMT_R11G11B10F (26)
23:13:56.613 RENDER : Main RT format for quality 1 : TEXFMT_R16G16B16A16F (10)
23:13:56.625 ENGINE : Job system settings: coreCount=32, shortJobContextCount=16, shortJobThreadCount=15, longJobThreadCount=32
23:13:56.772 AUDIO : Wave Link Game (Elgato Wave:3)
23:13:56.772 AUDIO : Audio -> Start
23:13:56.807 RENDER : RENDER : Reload shaders
23:13:56.808 RENDER : Enfusion shader version 202
23:13:57.000 RENDER : Loaded 3357 newer shader binaries
23:13:57.000 PROFILING : Reload shaders took: 193.595400 ms
23:13:57.000 ENGINE : Initializing inputs.
23:13:57.010 NETWORK : Initializing networking.
23:13:57.020 SCRIPT : SCRIPT : Initializing scripts
23:13:57.020 SCRIPT : SCRIPT : ScriptProjectManager init
23:13:57.022 PROFILING : ScriptProjectManager init took: 1.551700 ms
23:13:57.046 PROFILING : Initializing scripts took: 25.620200 ms
23:13:57.071 ENGINE : Enfusion engine successfully created.
23:13:57.071 PROFILING : Workbench Init Engine took: 1366.913100 ms
23:13:57.071 INIT : INIT : Workbench Create Game
23:13:57.090 GUI : Using default language (en_us)
23:13:57.090 GUI : Loading 'en_us' localization file.
23:13:57.090 INIT : INIT : Loading StringTable
23:13:57.108 PROFILING : Loading StringTable took: 17.544400 ms
23:13:57.108 SCRIPT : SCRIPT : Compiling GameLib scripts
23:13:57.132 SCRIPT : Module: GameLib; loaded 301x files; 528x classes; used 578/2097 kB (27%) of static memory; defines: "WORKBENCH,ENF_WB,PLATFORM_WINDOWS,ENABLE_DIAG,ENF_ENABLE_VHC_OVERRIDE,ENF_ENABLE_RPLCOMPONENT_IN_GAMECODE"; CRC32: 3bbbb874
23:13:57.136 PROFILING : Compiling GameLib scripts took: 27.249600 ms
23:13:57.136 SCRIPT : SCRIPT : Compiling Game scripts
23:13:57.740 INIT : Workbench Create Game
23:13:57.740 SCRIPT : Compiling Game scripts
23:13:57.740 SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/Campaign/UI/SCR_CampaignUIMutePlayerComponent.c,28": 'GetPlayerBlockedState' is obsolete: Session blocking is no longer supported.
23:13:57.740 SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/Campaign/UI/SCR_CampaignUIMutePlayerComponent.c,30": 'SetPlayerBlockedState' is obsolete: Session blocking is no longer supported.
23:13:57.740 SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/Campaign/UI/SCR_CampaignUIMutePlayerComponent.c,35": 'SetPlayerBlockedState' is obsolete: Session blocking is no longer supported.
23:13:57.897 SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/Groups/SCR_GroupTileButton.c,671": 'GetPlayerMutedState' is obsolete: Use SocialComponent.IsMuted(playerId).
23:13:57.986 SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/UI/HUD/SCR_PlayerListMenu.c,436": 'SetPlayerMutedState' is obsolete: Use SocialComponent.SetMuted(playerId, muted).
23:13:57.986 SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/UI/HUD/SCR_PlayerListMenu.c,438": 'GetPlayerMutedState' is obsolete: Use SocialComponent.IsMuted(playerId).
23:13:57.986 SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/UI/HUD/SCR_PlayerListMenu.c,499": 'GetPlayerMutedState' is obsolete: Use SocialComponent.IsMuted(playerId).
23:13:57.986 SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/UI/HUD/SCR_PlayerListMenu.c,474": Variable 'enableBlock' is not used
23:13:57.986 SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/UI/HUD/SCR_PlayerListMenu.c,1133": 'GetPlayerMutedState' is obsolete: Use SocialComponent.IsMuted(playerId).
23:13:57.986 SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/UI/HUD/SCR_PlayerListMenu.c,1136": 'GetPlayerMutedState' is obsolete: Use SocialComponent.IsMuted(playerId).
23:13:57.987 SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/UI/HUD/SCR_PlayerListMenu.c,1140": 'GetPlayerMutedState' is obsolete: Use SocialComponent.IsMuted(playerId).
23:13:58.592 SCRIPT : Module: WorkbenchGame; loaded 126x files; 426x classes; used 1567/2097 kB (74%) of static memory; defines: "WORKBENCH,ENF_WB,PLATFORM_WINDOWS,ENABLE_DIAG,ENF_ENABLE_VHC_OVERRIDE,ENF_ENABLE_RPLCOMPONENT_IN_GAMECODE"; CRC32: f9004828
23:13:58.629 PROFILING : Compiling Game scripts took: 1493.753900 ms
23:13:58.636 INIT : Creating game instance(ArmaReforgerScripted), version built 2025-02-21 12:21:45 UTC.
23:13:58.673 ENGINE : Game successfully created.
23:13:58.674 PROFILING : Workbench Create Game took: 1602.606300 ms
23:13:58.674 INIT : INIT : Reload WB scripts
23:13:58.680 SCRIPT : Module: Workbench; loaded 19x files; 38x classes; used 126/2097 kB (6%) of static memory; defines: "WORKBENCH,ENF_WB,PLATFORM_WINDOWS,ENABLE_DIAG,ENF_ENABLE_VHC_OVERRIDE,ENF_ENABLE_RPLCOMPONENT_IN_GAMECODE"; CRC32: 9dae2887
23:13:58.736 SCRIPT : Module: WorkbenchGame; loaded 126x files; 426x classes; used 1564/2097 kB (74%) of static memory; defines: "WORKBENCH,ENF_WB,PLATFORM_WINDOWS,ENABLE_DIAG,ENF_ENABLE_VHC_OVERRIDE,ENF_ENABLE_RPLCOMPONENT_IN_GAMECODE"; CRC32: f9004828
23:13:58.740 PROFILING : Reload WB scripts took: 65.673700 ms
23:13:58.742 DEFAULT : Using thumbnail cache directory: C:/Users/Ewok/AppData/Local/Temp/Enfusion/Projects/Kunar/thumbnails
23:13:59.067 DEFAULT : Using autosave directory: C:/Users/Ewok/AppData/Local/Temp/Enfusion/Projects/Kunar/autosaves
23:13:59.068 PROFILING : Workbench startup took: 4742.329500 ms
23:14:02.177 DEFAULT : Checking pending workshop invites...
23:14:02.366 DEFAULT : Pending workshop invites request done (1)
23:15:58.206 INIT : INIT : Workbench Reload Game
23:15:58.208 ENGINE : Game destroyed.
23:15:58.216 GUI : Using default language (en_us)
23:15:58.216 GUI : Loading 'en_us' localization file.
23:15:58.216 INIT : INIT : Loading StringTable
23:15:58.225 PROFILING : Loading StringTable took: 9.646600 ms
23:15:58.225 INIT : Creating game instance(ArmaReforgerScripted), version built 2025-02-21 12:21:45 UTC.
23:15:58.231 ENGINE : Game successfully created.
23:15:58.231 ENGINE : Game successfully initialized.
23:15:58.231 PROFILING : Workbench Reload Game took: 25.089000 ms
23:15:58.745 WORLD : WORLD : CreateEntities
23:15:58.745 WORLD : WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated
23:15:58.746 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated took: 0.758600 ms
23:15:58.748 WORLD : WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized
23:15:58.748 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized took: 0.001400 ms
23:15:58.748 WORLD : WORLD : NotifyEntitiesInitialized
23:15:58.748 PROFILING : NotifyEntitiesInitialized took: 0.012000 ms
23:15:58.748 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 3.427400 ms
23:15:58.842 WORLD : WORLD : Entities load '$Kunar:Kunar Province.ent'
23:15:58.845 PROFILING : Entities load took: 3.055100 ms
23:15:58.846 WORLD : WORLD : CreateEntities
23:15:58.852 WORLD : WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated
23:15:58.852 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated took: 0.003400 ms
23:15:58.915 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:2" ('Terrain', GenericTerrainEntity) at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000>
23:15:58.915 PROFILING : PROFILING : Terrain load
23:16:05.982 PROFILING : Terrain load took: 7066.906200 ms
23:16:06.064 WORLD : WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized
23:16:06.064 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized took: 0.004900 ms
23:16:06.068 WORLD : WORLD : NotifyEntitiesInitialized
23:16:06.068 TERRAIN : TERRAIN : Initializing road networks...
23:16:06.068 PROFILING : Initializing road networks... took: 0.000500 ms
23:16:06.068 PROFILING : NotifyEntitiesInitialized took: 0.120100 ms
23:16:06.068 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 7221.557400 ms
23:16:06.069 PROFILING : * WorldEditor: LoadWorld: 7229.130000 ms
23:16:06.374 TERRAIN : Loading tile map config (Terrain/tileMap.conf)
23:16:06.375 TERRAIN : Loading tile map config (Terrain/tileMap.conf)
23:16:06.388 TERRAIN : Loading tile map config (Terrain/tileMap.conf)
23:16:06.673 RENDER : RENDER : ObjectsHeightMap::Build
23:16:06.673 RENDER : RENDER : MeshOccupancyGridManager::GenerateAllForWorld
23:16:06.673 PROFILING : MeshOccupancyGridManager::GenerateAllForWorld took: 0.048700 ms
23:16:06.681 PROFILING : ObjectsHeightMap::Build took: 8.103300 ms
23:23:55.517 RESOURCES (E): Incorrect ocean material Terrains/Common/Water/River/RiverSurface_01.emat(class MatRiver)
23:24:41.626 RENDER (E): Render error (-2147024809 = 0x80070057): An invalid parameter was passed to the returning function.
23:24:41.626 RENDER (E): func: res
23:24:41.626 RENDER (E): D:\jenkins\workspace\continuous_branches_stable_1.2.1\ARGamecode\Enfusion\Enfusion\src\render\dx12\enf_texture_dx12.cpp(636): enf::Texture::AllocateDX12Texture
23:24:49.900 MEMORY (E): D:\jenkins\workspace\continuous_branches_stable_1.2.1\ARGamecode\Enfusion\Enfusion\src\render\dx12\enf_texture_dx12.cpp(644) Out of memory when requested 3672000 Type: Video
23:24:49.901 MEMORY (E): TotalIndices 22921 Kbytes
23:24:49.901 MEMORY (E): TotalVertices 28346 Kbytes
23:24:49.901 MEMORY (E): TotalCBBytes 25166 Kbytes
23:24:49.901 MEMORY (E): ObjectIndices 0 Kbytes
23:24:49.901 MEMORY (E): RenderTargets 91008 Kbytes
23:24:49.901 MEMORY (E): UAV(pure) 21236 Kbytes
23:24:49.901 MEMORY (E): ObjectVertices 0 Kbytes
23:24:49.901 MEMORY (E): SysTextures 1536 Kbytes
23:24:49.901 MEMORY (E): VRAMTextures 725164 Kbytes
23:24:49.901 MEMORY (E): EntityData 0 Kbytes
23:24:49.901 MEMORY (E): Particles 0 Kbytes
23:24:49.905 RENDER (E): Render error (-2147024809 = 0x80070057): An invalid parameter was passed to the returning function.
23:24:49.905 RENDER (E): func: res
23:24:49.905 RENDER (E): D:\jenkins\workspace\continuous_branches_stable_1.2.1\ARGamecode\Enfusion\Enfusion\src\render\dx12\enf_texture_dx12.cpp(636): enf::Texture::AllocateDX12Texture
23:24:50.425 MEMORY (E): D:\jenkins\workspace\continuous_branches_stable_1.2.1\ARGamecode\Enfusion\Enfusion\src\render\dx12\enf_texture_dx12.cpp(644) Out of memory when requested 3672000 Type: Video
23:24:50.425 MEMORY (E): TotalIndices 22921 Kbytes
23:24:50.425 MEMORY (E): TotalVertices 28346 Kbytes
23:24:50.425 MEMORY (E): TotalCBBytes 25166 Kbytes
23:24:50.425 MEMORY (E): ObjectIndices 0 Kbytes
23:24:50.425 MEMORY (E): RenderTargets 91008 Kbytes
23:24:50.425 MEMORY (E): UAV(pure) 21236 Kbytes
23:24:50.425 MEMORY (E): ObjectVertices 0 Kbytes
23:24:50.425 MEMORY (E): SysTextures 1536 Kbytes
23:24:50.425 MEMORY (E): VRAMTextures 721332 Kbytes
23:24:50.425 MEMORY (E): EntityData 0 Kbytes
23:24:50.425 MEMORY (E): Particles 0 Kbytes
23:24:50.428 RENDER (E): Render error (-2147024809 = 0x80070057): An invalid parameter was passed to the returning function.
23:24:50.428 RENDER (E): func: res
23:24:50.428 RENDER (E): D:\jenkins\workspace\continuous_branches_stable_1.2.1\ARGamecode\Enfusion\Enfusion\src\render\dx12\enf_texture_dx12.cpp(636): enf::Texture::AllocateDX12Texture
23:25:05.705 MEMORY (E): D:\jenkins\workspace\continuous_branches_stable_1.2.1\ARGamecode\Enfusion\Enfusion\src\render\dx12\enf_texture_dx12.cpp(644) Out of memory when requested 3672000 Type: Video
23:25:05.705 MEMORY (E): TotalIndices 22921 Kbytes
23:25:05.705 MEMORY (E): TotalVertices 28346 Kbytes
23:25:05.706 MEMORY (E): TotalCBBytes 25166 Kbytes
23:25:05.706 MEMORY (E): ObjectIndices 0 Kbytes
23:25:05.706 MEMORY (E): RenderTargets 91008 Kbytes
23:25:05.706 MEMORY (E): UAV(pure) 21236 Kbytes
23:25:05.706 MEMORY (E): ObjectVertices 0 Kbytes
23:25:05.706 MEMORY (E): SysTextures 1536 Kbytes
23:25:05.706 MEMORY (E): VRAMTextures 716580 Kbytes
23:25:05.706 MEMORY (E): EntityData 0 Kbytes
23:25:05.706 MEMORY (E): Particles 0 Kbytes
23:25:05.709 RENDER (E): Render error (-2147024809 = 0x80070057): An invalid parameter was passed to the returning function.
23:25:05.709 RENDER (E): func: res
23:25:05.709 RENDER (E): D:\jenkins\workspace\continuous_branches_stable_1.2.1\ARGamecode\Enfusion\Enfusion\src\render\dx12\enf_texture_dx12.cpp(636): enf::Texture::AllocateDX12Texture
23:25:06.502 MEMORY (E): D:\jenkins\workspace\continuous_branches_stable_1.2.1\ARGamecode\Enfusion\Enfusion\src\render\dx12\enf_texture_dx12.cpp(644) Out of memory when requested 3672000 Type: Video
23:25:06.502 MEMORY (E): TotalIndices 22921 Kbytes
23:25:06.502 MEMORY (E): TotalVertices 28346 Kbytes
23:25:06.502 MEMORY (E): TotalCBBytes 25166 Kbytes
23:25:06.502 MEMORY (E): ObjectIndices 0 Kbytes
23:25:06.502 MEMORY (E): RenderTargets 91008 Kbytes
23:25:06.502 MEMORY (E): UAV(pure) 21236 Kbytes
23:25:06.502 MEMORY (E): ObjectVertices 0 Kbytes
23:25:06.502 MEMORY (E): SysTextures 1536 Kbytes
23:25:06.502 MEMORY (E): VRAMTextures 712076 Kbytes
23:25:06.503 MEMORY (E): EntityData 0 Kbytes
23:25:06.503 MEMORY (E): Particles 0 Kbytes
23:25:06.505 RENDER (E): Render error (-2147024809 = 0x80070057): An invalid parameter was passed to the returning function.
23:25:06.505 RENDER (E): func: res
23:25:06.506 RENDER (E): D:\jenkins\workspace\continuous_branches_stable_1.2.1\ARGamecode\Enfusion\Enfusion\src\render\dx12\enf_texture_dx12.cpp(636): enf::Texture::AllocateDX12Texture
23:25:06.927 MEMORY (E): D:\jenkins\workspace\continuous_branches_stable_1.2.1\ARGamecode\Enfusion\Enfusion\src\render\dx12\enf_texture_dx12.cpp(644) Out of memory when requested 3672000 Type: Video
23:25:06.927 MEMORY (E): TotalIndices 22921 Kbytes
23:25:06.927 MEMORY (E): TotalVertices 28346 Kbytes
23:25:06.929 MEMORY (E): TotalCBBytes 25166 Kbytes
23:25:06.929 MEMORY (E): ObjectIndices 0 Kbytes
23:25:06.929 MEMORY (E): RenderTargets 91008 Kbytes
23:25:06.929 MEMORY (E): UAV(pure) 21236 Kbytes
23:25:06.929 MEMORY (E): ObjectVertices 0 Kbytes
23:25:06.929 MEMORY (E): SysTextures 1536 Kbytes
23:25:06.929 MEMORY (E): VRAMTextures 708004 Kbytes
23:25:06.929 MEMORY (E): EntityData 0 Kbytes
23:25:06.929 MEMORY (E): Particles 0 Kbytes
23:25:06.931 RENDER (E): Render error (-2147024809 = 0x80070057): An invalid parameter was passed to the returning function.
23:25:06.931 RENDER (E): func: res
23:25:06.931 RENDER (E): D:\jenkins\workspace\continuous_branches_stable_1.2.1\ARGamecode\Enfusion\Enfusion\src\render\dx12\enf_texture_dx12.cpp(636): enf::Texture::AllocateDX12Texture
23:25:07.345 ENGINE (F): Crashed
23:25:07.347 RENDER : ----------------------------------------------------------------
23:25:07.347 RENDER : ----------------------------------------------------------------
23:25:07.347 RENDER : Rend: Fps:1000000.00 (0.00ms) | Present 0.00ms | Wait4GPU 0.01ms (graphical 0.00 + copy 0.01) | defrag 0.00ms
23:25:07.347 RENDER : Rend: DP:0000 DPI:0000 DPR:0000 DPID:0000 Tri:00000 Vert:000000 CSRun:00|AllV:00x(00000) AllI:00x(00000) BegV:00x(00000) BegI:00x(00000)|TRes:0195
23:25:07.347 RENDER : ----------------------------------------------------------------
23:25:07.746 ENGINE (E): Application crashed! Generated memory dump: C:/Users/Ewok/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforgerWorkbench/logs/logs_2025-03-08_23-13-54\ArmaReforgerWorkbenchSteamDiag_2025-03-08_23-25-07.mdmp
23:25:07:783 CRASH REPORT : Crash reporter started!
23:25:07:786 CRASH REPORT : Sending analytical data.
23:25:07:786 CRASH REPORT : Sending Request...
23:25:07:945 CRASH REPORT : Crash Analytics: OK
23:25:47:390 CRASH REPORT : User canceled Crash Report!

Event Timeline