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Battle eye global ban help
Closed, ResolvedPublic


i need help resolving this issue seeing as how this is bs and they are just scamming people out of their money the thing that the people who decided to use battleeye is that they dont care about how you were banned or why they dont even tell you if you dont know which is my case they will NOT unban you no matter what and it is bs and you need to use a diffrent cheat engine seeing as how i was unfairly banned and i dont wat to drop another 30 dollers to buy a new copy which is what they make you do if you ever want to play the fucking game again


Legacy ID
No Bug
Steps To Reproduce

get globaly banned
find out you cannot get unbanned
get pissed the fuck off

Additional Information

Battleeye has a bad rep for this they only give perma bans so you need to boot them and get a new one

Event Timeline

TacticalWalrus edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
TacticalWalrus set Category to category:support.
TacticalWalrus set Reproducibility to N/A.
TacticalWalrus set Severity to None.
TacticalWalrus set Resolution to No Bug.
TacticalWalrus set Legacy ID to 2696229516.May 8 2016, 6:49 PM


BattlEye bans need to be disputed with BattlEye. Please contact them directly by using the following email address:

[email protected]

Alternatively you can visit their website at:

Please note that if you have been banned on ARMA 3 then your ban will carry over to DayZ.

