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Charakter lost for two times
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I died an respawned and began to loot stuff. Then i logged off and started playing but my character was away and i spawned in Chernogorsk. I thought it is ok because Balota is near from this position. I started to loot again and played for a time in Chernogorsk. I logged off and get to work. Now 6 hours later my character ist LOST AGAIN and i spawned somewere i dont know. I tried it with server hopping because it wasnt the first time of this bug. but now it is gone and dont want to start again and loose erverything for the third time. Its just anoying. I dindnt die or something. I logged off in a Piano house on a empty server. Why i always have to start again and when im equiped every thing is lost? Please help. It is in regular mode.


Legacy ID
Unable To Reproduce
Steps To Reproduce

Change Server for several times.

Additional Information

Event Timeline

Lazy_Ray edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jun 6 2014, 1:30 AM
Lazy_Ray edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Lazy_Ray set Category to category:characters.
Lazy_Ray set Reproducibility to Unable To Reproduce.
Lazy_Ray set Severity to None.
Lazy_Ray set Resolution to Duplicate.
Lazy_Ray set Legacy ID to 1825107335.May 8 2016, 6:29 PM
R834 added a subscriber: R834.May 8 2016, 6:29 PM
R834 added a comment.Jun 10 2014, 3:43 PM

Please refer to the primary character save loss thread at #78
