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Global Ban
Closed, ResolvedPublic


SO the thing is i wahs banned last week for NO reason, because Battleye did not response to my mail where i ask why i hace bein baned i bought a second key, startplaying for 10 minuts and well Global Ban again :)
NOW i went out to get that money come back log in go on steam and bought it a third time , guess what ? after 15 minuts banned again.

Now i have 3 banned Accounts, i had NO responce from abttleye so i still dont know why i have bein banned.

i cant call that a random ban because now "I" am banned 3 times on different Accounts.


Legacy ID
No Bug

Event Timeline

Stauder set Category to General.Jun 4 2014, 5:21 PM
Stauder set Reproducibility to Always.
Stauder set Severity to None.
Stauder set Resolution to No Bug.
Stauder set Legacy ID to 2804963162.May 8 2016, 6:28 PM
txd added a subscriber: txd.May 8 2016, 6:28 PM
txd added a comment.Jun 4 2014, 6:00 PM

My dear if you took good care of battleye probably twice your game has some dll hack. then it's because you installed some "hack" to give one of smartass. Some want to outmaneuver finding himself the ruler has to give ban on all that so using or have used hack, it's a shame to see players using hack to play.

Stauder added a subscriber: Stauder.May 8 2016, 6:28 PM

Maybe you didnt noticed but, why should i buy the game 3 times to get ban each time ?? WHY would i buy a game a second time and use a hack when i know that i would be ban ? and why a THIRD time ?????? ive got no money to throw out of my window. And your speaking like "Battleye is perfect so shut up you hacker" i dont even get any information about why i am banned, nothing

R834 added a subscriber: R834.May 8 2016, 6:28 PM
R834 added a comment.Jun 4 2014, 8:17 PM


Unfortunately nobody here on the Feedback Tracker is able to help you with this issue. Bans must be disputed with BattlEye, so you'll need to continue trying to contact them.

[email protected]
