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como se puede denunciar a un servidor que banea a todos los jugadores
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Descripción el server es- noob friendly
el sabado dia 31 echo de la partida a todos los que estaban jugando
una vez que echo a los jugadores se quedaba solo en el server no miro si ese jugador hacia trampas solo lo sacaba de la partida con todos los demas jugadores quedando el servidor sin jugadores
yo se de uno que no hacia ninguna trampa y hoy esta castigado, lo saco por dos veces de la partida quedando el servidor sin ningun jugador por segunda vez verificado


Legacy ID
Have Not Tried
Additional Information

la queja fue puesta en otra categoria por error o tal vez es ahi donde deberia estar
se la mando por aqui para que me pueda dar una explicacion y si la hay

Event Timeline

senyor5 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jun 2 2014, 1:47 PM
senyor5 set Category to category:support.
senyor5 set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
senyor5 set Severity to None.
senyor5 set Resolution to Duplicate.
senyor5 set Legacy ID to 4181255827.May 8 2016, 6:27 PM
senyor5 added a subscriber: senyor5.

since it is possible to denounce a server that banea to all the players
Description the server is - noob friendly-.
Saturday, the 31st I throw from the game to all those who were playing
once I throw the players it was remaining alone in the server I do not look if this player towards pitfalls only was extracting it of the game with all the rest players remaining the servant without players
I of one that was not doing any pitfall and today he is punished, I extract it for two times of the game remaining the servant without any player for the second time verified
translated with google ... not if the translation will be correct

Hello senyor5,

I also tried running this request through a translator, but unfortunately it didn't help me much either. Would it be possible for you to maybe have someone help you sending in your requests?

Thanks in advance,


Reply in #12391