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Server connection to Dayz servers when login about 1-2 min , can do nothing but shot .
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When we login to our server , we can move , but we see our friend walking away but they are standing somwhere else . afhter 2 min we see where they really stand en afther we see a red sign we can take our vicinity to use , like food or gun .
The first 2 min we cant take nothing to defend when login , Receiving ......
If we move we can be fall dead drom stairs ect ...
If you take something in those 2 minutes its on the floor our you drop your second weapon . We log in to help out friends in a fight and got all shot because we can do nothing the first minute .


Legacy ID
Additional Information

this week its getting wors , until 5 minutes afther login we got receiving, and just are able to move and fall or die. you dont know where everybody is our what they are doiing . cant get a gun our vicinity .
when its ok afther an age of waiting an somebody of our friends logging in , the same sh.. is happening again . We are talking with our host and they try to fix it but they allready know its from both sides receiving fail .

Event Timeline

blood edited Additional Information. (Show Details)May 23 2014, 10:57 AM
blood set Category to Server.
blood set Reproducibility to N/A.
blood set Severity to None.
blood set Resolution to Suspended.
blood set Legacy ID to 4105392910.May 8 2016, 6:18 PM


Sorry to hear about your trouble. Does this problem occur on all servers or do you have one specific server that you always connect to?



Hello again,

Closing issue due to inactivity. However, in case the problem persists, please feel free to open up a new issue in the Feedback Tracker.

