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Internet completely crashes in server browser
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I'm having the same problem, every time I'm in the server browser my internet completely dies out on me. Sometimes I'm lucky to get into a server, then there are times that I try to join and get "Connecting Failed". If I refresh the server browser every server disappears and I'm left to restart my game to get the servers back. When I quit the game my internet is completely down for 3-5 minutes, I even try loading things on my phone to see if it's a computer issue, but it takes forever to load anything up on my phone (iPhone 5, never have any issues with programs that require internet loading slowly).


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  • Launch DayZ
  • Open Change Server
  • Look through the server browser
  • Quit the game, try loading some websites and it takes forever
Additional Information

Sometimes I'm able to get into a server with no problem, then there are times that I try joining and get an error (Connecting Failed). Which then it's like I'm being DDoS'd by the server browser!

Event Timeline

MyGamertagBro edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
MyGamertagBro set Category to Server.
MyGamertagBro set Reproducibility to Always.
MyGamertagBro set Severity to None.
MyGamertagBro set Resolution to Duplicate.
MyGamertagBro set Legacy ID to 831545825.May 8 2016, 6:17 PM

duplicate of 8949
pleace vote up there

Did not notice this post, thanks.

Hello MyGamertagBro,

Thank you for sending us your feedback regarding this issue. Unfortunately, this problem is a known issue that has previously been reported.

Closing as duplicate of #8949.

