Dear developers,
please reduce the number of Hits for the firefighteraxt as it is really terrible when the Zombies are gltiching even through stairs now and you are in a close quarter combat with them and you need to hit them half a dozend times to kill them. And please adjust the radius of reaction on the zombies too. How can a zombie see/hear me in a house with 100m distance. And then without opening any door comming into the second floor to hit me just after spawning. Up to now DayZ was really fun to play but with this latest patch it is getting furstating any time I join. And to the join time, thanks that I now need half an hour to join a server. Because I have to wati ten minutes even after I got kicked by a clan server which was not marked as private play. Please before adding new features to the next release concentrate on fixing some of the issues allover reported again here in the forums and other locations.
Thank you.