I'm putting it here because I can't find any other place to submit suggestions. Please read it carefully before leaving a comment or vote.
1.General idea
Idea is to implement a reputation system which will put more realism and reduce kill in sigh situations for those who choose to play as a friendly player. You will gain positive reputation by helping players and negative by hurting them. Following your current reputation You will get access to some background stories for your character. It means that when You die you can pick up one of them and you will get specific spawn items. As long as player rep won't be shown to others you'll be still able to bluff them. But with this system implemented would much harder to make a decision of pulling the trigger. You will have to choose to be good or evil.
2.Reputation change (rep names, points should be probably reworked and balanced)
Everybody should start with reputation of zero points. Gaining positive reputation should be a slow process limited by time and deeds. Every 5/10 mins if you help other player to lose at least one of his negative status (bleed, hunger etc.) you will get 10 points to your reputation. Helping players with bad reputation shouldn't give you any points. Killing players with reputation 0+ should set up your rep to -1000. If your rep if already -1000 every another kill decrasing it by -50. Killing "bandits"(players under rep of 0points) should not decrease your rep, and also sohuldn't give you any positive points, this would prevent exploits and farming. If you hurt other player causing damage to him it should decrease your rep by -50/-100 points.
- Background stories - most demotivating moments ingame are when your character dies and you're loosing all your items. That's the main reason why this should be implemented ingame. How is it works? Simple. Your character will gain points(I call them survival points) based on his alive time. Around 1 point every minute. When he dies he can spend some or all of points to pick up one of the available background stories based on his current reputation.
Few examples for backgrond stories (should be discussed and balanced):
Murderer cost 100 rep -3000 or less eq: black working gloves, black tactical shirt, chance for gun
Psycho cost 50 rep -2000 or less eq: Clown mask, machete
Prisoner cost 10 rep -100 or less eq: handcuffs with keys
Tourist cost 50 rep 0+ eq: backpack, chance for canned food
Fire-fighter cost 50 rep 100+ eq: Firefighter axe, Raincoat
Police: cost 100 rep 500+ eq black tactical shirt, black cargo pants. Chance for FNX or shotgun
Soldier: cost 180 rep 1500+ eq tsko pants, tsko jacket, green ballistic helmet. colt 1911. Chance for M4 with 1 magazine of 30 bullets.
Important note: Friendly players with positive rep are less likely to be psycho killers so it's recommended to give to their background stories more spawn weps than to bandits.
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