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confirmation of changes
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Ok when I'm logging in DayZ and am going to join a server, it gives me confirmation when my friend is on his account so I get him to log out. It works for me, then he tried logging in and he gets the confirmation of changes connection failed. I have tried to log both of us in, multipe times, still does it so maybe...

Edit by Moderator:
Spelling and grammar corrected. {F30910}


Legacy ID
Error Message

Event Timeline

razrer set Category to Error Message.Apr 25 2014, 2:09 AM
razrer set Reproducibility to Always.
razrer set Severity to None.
razrer set Resolution to Suspended.
razrer set Legacy ID to 4040214117.May 8 2016, 6:00 PM
razrer added a subscriber: razrer.

plz email me win u get it fixed email: [email protected]

maowcat added a subscriber: maowcat.May 8 2016, 6:00 PM

Is English your first language? No offence man but i can't even understand what your trying to say.

yeah English is my first language some time im a bad speller but if you slow down and read you will understand what im saying

R834 added a subscriber: R834.May 8 2016, 6:00 PM
R834 added a comment.Apr 26 2014, 1:57 AM


Are you on the same network?

Yes both computer on the same network for now in tell he take his computer home

R834 added a comment.Apr 26 2014, 1:50 PM

Can either you or your friend (only one of you) try the following?

  1. Right click DayZ in the Steam library
  2. Click properties
  3. Click "Set Launch Options"
  4. Enter "-port+1" into the field (without the quotes) and press OK

Please let me know if this fixed your issue

Hello razrer,

Closing ticket due to inactivity (response to R834). However, in case the problem persists, please feel free to open up a new ticket in the Feedback Tracker.
