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Server rules
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I/we have some questions regarding the server rules of DayZ.

We are a small DayZ clan with about 40 members and since 3 months we have
rented a DayZ server from Fragnet Networks.
Since there is no real goal in DayZ, sometimes we organize various games or
competitions, so DayZ will still exciting for us and other clans or other
players. These events usually take place on weekends.

Last Saturday was one of our competitions again. For this reason, we blocked
the server so that only the players could join that had signed up for it.
The competition should take place for three hours. After that, the server
would have been open again.

After 2 hours, the server was blocked by Fragnet. They said that we had
broken the server rules.
On the website of Fragnet are no DayZ server rules!

They said that Bohemia Interactive / the developer makes the rules.

My questions are:

  • Is it true that we are not allowed to block our server (we pay for it

60?/month) for a short time, if we want to play with other clans?
Otherwise, the server is always open for everyone!

  • Is it true that we are not allowed to kick other players? There were quite

a few cheaters (unlimited ammo, see through walls and shoot, flying through
the air, ... see example) on our server.

  • We do not have a "no kill policy", but we want the players to shoot only

in the military fields. The reason for this is that we want to help new
players. We show them how the game works and accompany them in the first few
hours. Even via TeamSpeak. So far, the responses were always positive.

We're just trying to make the game interesting and to have fun. For us and
the other players.
If all this is not allowed, then it makes no sense to pay for a server.

I would be glad to get a reply to all that questions.

Kind regards {F30798}


Legacy ID
No Bug

Event Timeline

Hotkey set Category to Server.Apr 14 2014, 7:31 PM
Hotkey set Reproducibility to N/A.
Hotkey set Severity to None.
Hotkey set Resolution to No Bug.
Hotkey set Legacy ID to 4278695420.May 8 2016, 5:52 PM

Hello Hotkey,

In the following section "You may not perform the following actions on your server", the following is stated:

  • Restart server to farm loot
  • Restart server to protect your character integrity after dying
  • Kick/Ban players without just cause
  • Lock/Password the server

Kicking/banning players due to a competition held on on your server would not be considered as being just cause.
