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Game doesn't launch "Display adapter does not support format D24S8 for X8R8G8B8"
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After trying to launch the game i see message "Display adapter does not support format D24S8 for X8R8G8B8" and the game doesn't launch. Maybe it's something about the fact, that i play on virtual machine on Mac and there are some conflicts about video card. But there is one more fact : i played DayZ and the message began to appear only after crashing the game while playing.


Legacy ID
No Bug
Error Message
Additional Information

NVidia GeForce GTX 675 MX, recently reinstalled my Windows, so all drivers are up-to-date.

Event Timeline

Andreyxa59 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Mar 19 2014, 6:45 PM
Andreyxa59 set Category to Error Message.
Andreyxa59 set Reproducibility to Always.
Andreyxa59 set Severity to None.
Andreyxa59 set Resolution to No Bug.
Andreyxa59 set Legacy ID to 3083526134.May 8 2016, 5:35 PM

I have the same problem
But i use AMD and my drivers are up to date.
I also have this problem with Dayz (Mod)

Hello Andreyxa59,

Sorry to hear about your trouble. In this case there's not much more to do other than recommend that you make sure that all your hardware drivers are updated and that you have verified the integrity of your game cache via Steam:

  1. Start Steam and right click on DayZ in your game library (make sure that the game is not running).
  2. Select the tab labeled "Local Files".
  3. Click on the button labeled "Verify integrity of game cache...".
  4. Start DayZ once the process is complete.

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that DayZ will run on Mac systems.
