I play your version over steam.
I have played today various sessions on "regular" servers.
- dead) As I played for a while, i have been scouting a house with a fire-extinguisher in my hands. as i looked trhough a window, i died.
- dead) I played around an hour. then i saw the "yellow connection issue" icon which switched to the red one with a text below saying "no message received from server for xx seconds", so some like this. As this message didn't disappear, i disconnected from the session and reconnected to it after some seconds. I woke up and it looked like, that i'm staying in between a wall or such... the screen looked really weird and i disconnected after some seconds again. Then I have performed the third reconnection and then i was unconscious.
- Dead) After playing for a while, i got unconscious.
in all of these three cases I was full of health, and was neither thirsty nor hungry. My storage was every time nearly, or full filled.