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Weapon in hands disapears after changing backpack and switching weapon
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Changing the backpack with a sawed off shotgun in the backpack inventory while having it "in hands" caused the shotgun to disapear after switching the weapon for another main weapon (axe or mosin).

The sawed off shotgun was in Hands during the backpack changing process. Some minutes later while switching the weapon for the axe, the sawed-off disapeared. After searching the ground we found it in the old backpack which we left where we found the new one. Maybe the sawed off was still bound to the original backpack.


Legacy ID
Have Not Tried
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Place sawed off shotgun in your backpack
  2. find another backpack
  3. place sawed off in hands
  4. take the new backpack and swap the inventory over (or vice versa. The sawed off should have the "hands" symbol on it
  5. move away
  6. switch weapon in hands for another weapon
  1. the sawed off should disappear and could be found in the old backpack on the ground

Event Timeline

plastin edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Feb 19 2014, 1:40 PM
plastin set Category to Inventory.
plastin set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
plastin set Severity to None.
plastin set Resolution to Open.
plastin set Legacy ID to 2431663938.May 8 2016, 5:16 PM