First of all, not a whine post: I've played the mod for more than a year, and I know the great mood of this game. I'm not looking for a Battlefield-like survival game, I'm only want to "understand" the mechanics behind.
So, jumping in the discussion: EACH weapon has a downside, or some "work as intended" or some dark magic to be used to fire properly.
Mosin need to aim to right cause fire to left, shotgun has a wide spread fire cone, but even if hit, isn't a kill. FX is a joke even while headshoting, SKS had to be zeroed (zeroed in close range combat?!?) and B95 is X files.
I don't even talk about melee cause now is just "fire axe? ok. everything else? good luck dying" (yeah yeah, the hit box, no crosshair, etc, they SUCKS).
I really appreciate the effort behind Dayz: each week new things and fix, but weapons in this way are nearly unplayable. I just want to shot straight under 100m, because in the rare case I've a clean shot on someone, and I aim, hold my breath, and fire... ywah, would be nice to hit something.
Last but not least: please fix the FOV issue. I play @1920x1080, I've a 770 nvidia, and I really want to enjoy the work behind Dayz in graphic too, but I can't set my FOV to max because while aiming down I'm totally doomed against someone else with lower FOV.
TL; DR: rework weapons behaviour or M4 will be always the only weapons to rely on (at least, spray and pray) and fix the FOV to enjoy the game AND aim better.
Sorry for my english, keep on with the nice work on Dayz, GL HF