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Duping Rifles
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Discovered you could dupe rifles.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Have a rifle on your back & the rifle you wish to dupe in your hands.
When you go to log off you character places the 2nd rifle (one in hand) on the ground at its feet as it sits for the 10-15 second log off timer.

Another player can pick up this gun thus Duping it.

When you log back into another server you still have the gun & so does the other player.
We have tested this a few times Fri/Sat this week. Mosin, SKS & M4.
Gun, Attachments, Ammo & Clips all dupeable.

Additional Information

A few odd occurrences that could be possibly combating this duping.

After several hours of using a dupe gun.
We noticed that after about an hour of running around with the guns.. One of us dropped the gun & it never spawned.. Waited for it for several minutes. Dropped the other gun and it spawned instantly. So perhaps once the Duped gun is dropped again after some time it is finally deleted?

We tested this again later on and had the same thing happen again. After a good hour or 2 of using a dupe gun.. IT was dropped on the ground and it disappeared.

Event Timeline

Dunxel edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Feb 16 2014, 9:42 PM
Dunxel edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Dunxel set Category to Other.
Dunxel set Reproducibility to Always.
Dunxel set Severity to None.
Dunxel set Resolution to Duplicate.
Dunxel set Legacy ID to 136019082.May 8 2016, 5:13 PM
emenius added a subscriber: emenius.May 8 2016, 5:13 PM

I somehow duped myself recently, spawned back in and there I was, just looking around. Kinda creepy.

Kira added a subscriber: Kira.May 8 2016, 5:13 PM
Kira added a comment.Feb 17 2014, 12:11 PM

This is a duplicate report. Please use the search function before posting an issue.

Refer to #8153 for further development or to provide additional information on the issue.

Thank you.