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Unable to jog after putting your gun away from your hands while aiming down the sights or by pressing RMB...
Closed, ResolvedPublic


...without holding anything in your hand.

So when you take your gun out and press the RMB to aim down the sights and then you put it away, you can`t jog anymore, only walk slowly or run. If you want to jog again, you have to take your gun back into your hands and then your character should automatically aim down the sights if you have put your gun away while you were aiming down the sights. Then you just have to press RMB again and put your gun back into your inventory and you will be albe to jog again.

The other way to initialize this same bug is by pressing the RMB without holding anything in your hand(s). Your character will 'invisibly' switch to aiming stance which causes your character to walk slowly. When doing it with a weapon, your character normally aims down the sights and starts to walk slowly, like it is supposed to be. You must right click again to jog normally.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Take your gun out and press the ADS button. Then put your gun out of your hands and you shouldn't be able to jog anymore. To fix this you need to put your gun back into your hands and press the ADS button again and then put your gun away.

The other way: click the RMB without holding anything and you should only be able to walk and run. Right click again to jog.

Event Timeline

_M4Z_TeR_ set Category to Movement.
_M4Z_TeR_ set Reproducibility to Always.
_M4Z_TeR_ set Severity to None.
_M4Z_TeR_ set Resolution to Reopened.
_M4Z_TeR_ set Legacy ID to 3559096100.May 8 2016, 5:12 PM
R834 added a subscriber: R834.May 8 2016, 5:12 PM
R834 added a comment.Feb 16 2014, 2:58 PM

This happens even without having your weapon out. If you right click with no gun you'll be stuck with ADS walk speed. Right clicking again will solve it, so you shouldn't have to get your gun out again and un-ADS.

There's already a report of this problem at #422

Ok. I have already tweeted the link of this bug report to matt. Also I'll add the other way to initialize the bug into the description.