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Please wait... (never goes away)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I just got Dayz and it's not possible for me to play the game.
Start dayz : select server : play

then i'm waiting to spawn.
The only thing that happens is that i see the server messages and then "please wait".
This happens every time.

The very first time i joined a game after installing Day it said: you are unconscious, then, you are dead. Respawning never worked (even after the delay).

Today it just connects and says please wait, every time.


Legacy ID
Game Freezes
Steps To Reproduce

Start dayz : select server : play --> please wait...

Event Timeline

Manuuzzz edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Feb 14 2014, 7:56 PM
Manuuzzz set Category to Game Freezes.
Manuuzzz set Reproducibility to Always.
Manuuzzz set Severity to None.
Manuuzzz set Resolution to Duplicate.
Manuuzzz set Legacy ID to 3415728203.May 8 2016, 5:10 PM
skymuss added a subscriber: skymuss.May 8 2016, 5:10 PM

I have the solution for this problem.

  1. frist you have to rename your character and restart the game
  2. then login to a normal server.
  3. when the message appears "you are dead" or "unconcious"
  4. press "esc" key and press "restart" button
  5. then the timer will go down form 30 seconds
  6. in this time the timer will go down to 0 (zero)

you have to login to another server, you have to hurry
up to switch the server. than you will be respawn normally.

DrGonzo added a subscriber: DrGonzo.May 8 2016, 5:10 PM

Just continue to hit escape and join different servers. You will eventually get in. It takes me a max of five minutes to do this. Also, make sure you wait for about thirty seconds. Count it out, one mississippi, two mississippi, so on before hitting esc and trying another server you will get in. I have yet to meet someone that hasn't been able to.

It did work (i think renaming the character did the trick).
Thanks a lot.

Kira added a subscriber: Kira.May 8 2016, 5:10 PM
Kira added a comment.Mar 6 2014, 9:52 AM

This is a duplicate report. Please use the search function before posting an issue.

Refer to #8560 for further development or to provide additional information on the issue.

Thank you.