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Duplicating long weapon in hands by logging off
Closed, ResolvedPublic


If you have a shouldered weapon and take another long weapon into hands, it falls on the floor, when you disconnect. another player can take it (ammo and attachments still on it).
when the player, who dropped the weapon by logging off, logs back in, he will have his second long weapon still in inventory and another player still has the duplicated one


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

If you have a shouldered weapon and take another long weapon into hands, it falls on the floor, when you disconnect. another player can take it (ammo and attachments still on it).
when the player, who dropped the weapon by logging off, logs back in, he will have his second long weapon still in inventory and another player still has the duplicated one

Additional Information

tried this with cans and they dont drop on the floor, but after login, they are not in the hands anymore but stored in the area, where helmet, gloves etc. are.
this gives another free slot ;)

Event Timeline

SirRender edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Feb 9 2014, 6:58 PM
SirRender edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
SirRender set Category to category:weapons.
SirRender set Reproducibility to Always.
SirRender set Severity to None.
SirRender set Resolution to Duplicate.
SirRender set Legacy ID to 2161217314.May 8 2016, 5:02 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: Bohemia.May 8 2016, 5:02 PM

Duplicated: 0008153

R834 added a subscriber: R834.May 8 2016, 5:02 PM
R834 added a comment.Mar 1 2014, 2:56 PM

This has been reported previously - make sure to search before opening new issues.

I am closing this as duplicate of #0008153: Weapons are duplicated when logging out

Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, and add any extra information in the notes section.
