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Crash After 100000 DeSync
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After Logging into any server, I get a Huge DeSync (Pretty sure most do)After the DeSync, The game begins to Sput and Sputter as the frame's start to drop from 30ish to 25,15, 5, 1, and then I Alt+tab and it has caused my whole Desktop to Stop working,CTRL+Tab+Delete works but the Task Manager will not, So then i Have to Sign out of my Windows profile to close the game {F30180}


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Open Game, Pick Server 5-10 Minutes on any Server

Additional Information

Prior to PAtch no issue's

Gun Textures were really Flipping out, from almost none to all (In a split second) Back and forth back and forth.

Event Timeline

dominguez35 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
dominguez35 set Category to Game Crash.
dominguez35 set Reproducibility to Always.
dominguez35 set Severity to None.
dominguez35 set Resolution to Fixed.
dominguez35 set Legacy ID to 1117747668.May 8 2016, 5:01 PM

Just tryed it again and it did the same, After a full Restart i am going to now uninstall and re install to see if that helps.

Hotfix 0.35.115188
2014-02-12 Fixed the issue i was haveing