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60 bullet stack when empty mag, but cant combine two 30 bullet stacks
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When you empty a double m4 magazin you get a 60 bullet stack. But you cant combine two 30 bullet stacks to get a 60 bullet stack. Its the same with an 40 bullet magazin when you empty that you get a 40 bullet stack but anyway cant combine it from you own.
It seems you can only create m4 bullet stacks up to 30 bullets for your own. Thats not right cause you can even have 60 bullet stacks when empty the double mag.
So to get 60 bullet stacks you have to fill the double mag an empty it, but cant combine up to 60.


Legacy ID

Event Timeline

snap set Category to Inventory.Feb 8 2014, 10:27 AM
snap set Reproducibility to Always.
snap set Severity to None.
snap set Resolution to Duplicate.
snap set Legacy ID to 2615700735.May 8 2016, 5:00 PM

Related to or duplicate of #0003164

Please close duplicate reports and comment/vote up the original in order to make it easier for the devs.

Also, before reporting, please use the search function to check if the issue has already been reported.

We all profit from that. :-)


R834 added a subscriber: R834.May 8 2016, 5:00 PM
R834 added a comment.Feb 8 2014, 2:18 PM

5.56 rounds are only supposed to be stacked up to 30 in the inventory. This is a bug with the emptying of the magazines, rather than the stacking.

This has already been reported at #3164. Please close this issue as duplicate.