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Always healing and stuffed
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I'm not sure if am not understanding the new update or this is a issue. After the 33. patch I can't do anything with my player. From the first day of the release I have been stuck with healing and stuffed messages. It's been like this for a few days now and it will not go away. The messages pop up saying I need a drink so I drink like say 5 cans and then the player 1min or so later will just start puking it out.


Legacy ID

Event Timeline

darkrisingx set Category to category:characters.Feb 7 2014, 2:47 PM
darkrisingx set Reproducibility to Always.
darkrisingx set Severity to None.
darkrisingx set Resolution to Open.
darkrisingx set Legacy ID to 734563401.May 8 2016, 4:57 PM

Fixed in version 0.34.115106.

When it still says "stuffed" in your inventory, just drink or eat until you actually get stuffed again (Until it says "My stomach feels stuffed." and similar in the bottem left corner). Then, when you're not stuffed anymore, it will finally disappear.

Same applies to "healing".

valg added a subscriber: valg.May 8 2016, 4:57 PM
valg added a comment.Feb 7 2014, 7:55 PM

Confirmed. After patch, got stuffed, played for 2 hours, still got stuffed.