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Emptying a magazine deletes the ammo completely.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I would assume that when emptying a mag of it's ammo, the ammo should appear on the floor (e.g. a 40/40 mag would drop 40 5.56 rounds when emptied, and leave a 0/40 mag). Instead, when emptying, the rounds simply get deleted.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Right click any weapon magazine (I have only tried this with M4 mags)
  2. Select Empty

Event Timeline

Frayt edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Feb 2 2014, 11:27 AM
Frayt set Category to category:items.
Frayt set Reproducibility to Always.
Frayt set Severity to None.
Frayt set Resolution to Duplicate.
Frayt set Legacy ID to 4133117742.May 8 2016, 4:51 PM
DuskShy added a subscriber: DuskShy.May 8 2016, 4:51 PM

Move the mag to your inventory first, and you'll be fine. I think it also works if you place the mag in a backpack laying on the ground, and then do it. It seems to work just fine any time you do it inside of something that has inventory slots, like pants, various shirts, etc.

yogi92 added a subscriber: yogi92.May 8 2016, 4:51 PM

I imagine you mean emptying a mag on a floor? That has already been reported dozens of times.

R834 added a subscriber: R834.May 8 2016, 4:51 PM
R834 added a comment.May 3 2014, 5:20 PM

Duplicate report