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Shotgun won't reload using Action Button (middle click)
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Okay, this can be fixed in game (kinda), but it is still very buggy.

like the mosin and revolver, you must (not sure if its intentional or not) manually reload your shotgun from the inventory.

However, if you first load in two shells into the gun, you can use the action button (middle click [MC]) to reload the shotgun using the snap loader, after this is done you use MC again to reload NORMAL SHELLS...

so ya, it's as if the mosin and revolver SHOULD be able to be reloaded using MC, it's just really buggy right now. And the shotgun just needs to be sent into a cycle to get it to work.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Assume you have (in inventory), 2 snaploaders, at least 2 shells, and a shotgun

Outcome 1: Can't reload the weapon.

  1. Pick up empty shotgun
  2. MC (won't do anything, need to relaod manually)

Outcome 2: can't load shells, but can load snaploader

  1. pick up empty shotgun
  2. load snaploader
  3. MC (even if you have 2 snaploaders, nothing will happen)

Outcome 3 (ideal): be able to reload shotgun with one snaploader

  1. pick up empty shotgun
  2. load with shells
  3. MC (you will be able to load ONE snaploader)
  4. reload snaploader
  5. MC (you will be able to load shells)
  6. load shells
  7. Repeat from step 3
Additional Information

You can't load snaploaders like you can magazines, which is annoying. Play around with this and learn it well, especially if you are going to be sporting the shotgun

Event Timeline

Auklin edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 25 2014, 8:55 AM
Auklin edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Auklin set Category to category:weapons.
Auklin set Reproducibility to Always.
Auklin set Severity to None.
Auklin set Resolution to Open.
Auklin set Legacy ID to 1815687971.May 8 2016, 4:41 PM