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items under the floor [not urgent]
Closed, ResolvedPublic


At the castle type building's (Rog in the SE and Devil's Castle in the NW by the Airfield, possibly others if they exist) make me a little uneasy as your going up the steps on the inside of the tower, if you look up you can see the items that i assume are supposed to be on the floor above are attached to the ceiling below (usually out of reach from the staircase), this applies to the second and third floor, possibly first floor but theres no basement to check....


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Go to Devil's castle and explore the insides of the building, go up the stairs and before you go onto the next floor look below the wood and you'll see the items floating against the wood, sometimes partially inside

Event Timeline

guest edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 7 2014, 5:21 AM
guest set Category to category:environment.
guest set Reproducibility to Always.
guest set Severity to None.
guest set Resolution to Duplicate.
guest set Legacy ID to 3365089044.May 8 2016, 4:10 PM