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Unable to fire loaded FNX45
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I am unable to fire my FNX45, despite having loaded a full (15/15 rounds) FNX45 magazine into the pistol. The weapon makes the empty clicking noise.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Obtain an FNX45 a. Obtain from dead body, without ammunition. Reload with a magazine not found on body. Player should be dead before the server is joined by the tester.
  2. Load magazine into weapon.
  3. Attempt to fire.
  4. Observe.
Additional Information

The weapon was obtained from a man I found dead. Perhaps the fact that I removed the weapon from his body has resulted in this glitch.

To contact me about this in the future, please email me at:
[email protected]
I made my dayz forum account for the sole purpose of alerting you of this issue so I may not check back until I find more issues to report. Thanks!

Event Timeline

Asp184 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 20 2013, 2:22 AM
Asp184 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Asp184 set Category to category:weapons.
Asp184 set Reproducibility to Always.
Asp184 set Severity to None.
Asp184 set Resolution to Open.
Asp184 set Legacy ID to 2796891867.May 8 2016, 4:04 PM

I had this issue too, I got my pistol from a body also, loaded pristine rounds into a pristine magazine, loaded into the fnx45, it just makes a clicking noise.

I have also had this problem. I thought it was because I had really bad lag, but it seems to be a much deeper problem!

spykr added a subscriber: spykr.May 8 2016, 4:04 PM
spykr added a comment.Dec 20 2013, 7:00 PM

This has only happened to me when retrieving the gun from a shot up body, so I'm assuming the pistol is "ruined" and you don't know because the guns show no descriptions.

I forgot to mention, I tried with 2 different pistols, both didnt work

I found a pistol on the floor, loaded a mag, and it worked, so this problem would seem to be when looting the pistol from bodies

I've fired my FNX45 and it seemed to work fine. It might be a problem with the gun not having a description, so the ones you find might be broken, and you just don't know it.

confirmed, got the FN45 off a body and a pristine magazine elsewhere
got me and my buddy killed as it just went clickclickclick...

hicks16 added a subscriber: hicks16.May 8 2016, 4:04 PM

It seems to only happen when picking FN45 off dead players. Did a test last night when we killed player, picked his 45 off him loaded perfect mag in got click. Grabbed a 45 off a bed, loaded same mag and it fired.

^this. @hicks16 I'm thinking its because the gun you picked up off the guy you killed, you ruined the gun in the process. But since there's no description on the gun, there's no way of telling.

Same problem here, except with a new FNX45 I found at a firestation. The rounds were in pristine condition, along with the magazine. When I tried firing, I only heard clicks.

Asp184 added a subscriber: Asp184.May 8 2016, 4:04 PM
Asp184 added a comment.Jan 5 2014, 6:12 PM

Thanks TheCreativeMan. This seems to indicate that it is not because the weapon was ruined by a player being shot. Perhaps it spawned in ruined condition, but, nevertheless, I still think that this is a bug.