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Laying prone in grass behind a evergreen tree then zooming in on a T3N RDS optic causes reversible black screen
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I was in NWAF when I found a damaged T3N RDS Optic and attached it to my M4. I proned in front of an evergreen in third person and ADS to see if the optic's condition would suffice. Instead, I got a black screen when I ADSed. When I zoomed out, it was completely normal. I deduced it may be due to the evergreen I was behind, and moved to a clear, grassy area to ADS again. The black screen returned. When I was standing or crouched I did not have a problem.

I have linked a Steam screen shot of the black screen I have described above in the "Additional Information" section. You can see part of my M4 and the 60rnd coupled mag, but no the sight or anything else besides a bit of the bottom left corner.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

-Lay prone.

Additional Information

Event Timeline

Ice edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 5 2014, 6:13 PM
Ice edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Ice set Category to Movement.
Ice set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
Ice set Severity to None.
Ice set Resolution to Open.
Ice set Legacy ID to 1854610686.May 8 2016, 4:03 PM