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Death by player, death by zombie, reconnect as nothing happened.
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Location : Electrosavodsk, near a residential building with 2 or 3 floors at the dock.
Gear: backpack, magnum, food, drink, medic kit, fire-axe, epinephrine

I just started over because I died. Had some gear already came and from kamyshovo.

Was looting electro, was there a good while, then a person came at me with an axe and killed me, I was kind of mad, because I wasn't really a threat.
Then I connected to a new server, apparently they had an update with battlEye.
I re-spawned on the same place as I died, though I was bleeding. Next I came outside, killed 3 zombies with my axe, the fourth zombie one hit made me unconscious. I injected epinephrine and applied bandages, but kept sliding over the ground. I couldn't move so I tried reconnecting. That worked, I was alive again, and the zombie was still attacking the location where I thought I would die.

These two cases happened 5 or 10 minutes from each other.
Before I travelled all three airfields in the game meanwhile having 4 head on collisions with people who tried to kill me (survived all of them) this in a timespan of 24 hours or so.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Go to Electrosavodsk
Try to get a grey screen and unconscious then reconnect. Also try having the inventory open

Additional Information

I have seen many players lying on the floor because they died, not far from each other. And I think they had the same problem

Played with version 0.30.113860 when I connected to other server there was an update

Event Timeline

guest edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 5 2014, 3:49 PM
guest edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
guest set Category to category:characters.
guest set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
guest set Severity to None.
guest set Resolution to Open.
guest set Legacy ID to 1795523077.May 8 2016, 4:03 PM