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Catastrophic video card failure followed by full system crash w/out blue screen, mobo resets
New, WishlistPublic


Just got the pre-alpha standalone through Steam. This happens every time. While playing the game, the screen will go black, my monitor will report "no video signal" and the sound buffer will repeat whatever was playing back at the time. Then my mobo beeps twice and the computer resets. On high graphic settings this happens almost immediately upon logging into a server. I followed guides for fixing crashes and disabled everything, super low settings, windowed mode, only using 2 cpu cores, I can play the game like this for about 10 minutes before the catastrophic video card failure happens again.

Attached is a CPU-Z dump of my system specs. I have a very capable system, I play Skyrim completely maxed out with good frame rates.

Not complaining at all, I understand the purpose of an alpha, I'm just happy to help! {F29478}


Legacy ID

Event Timeline

guest set Category to category:hardwareissues.Jan 5 2014, 4:12 AM
guest set Reproducibility to Always.
guest set Severity to None.
guest set Resolution to Open.
guest set Legacy ID to 2297519054.May 8 2016, 4:01 PM